Investigation of Thymus taxa in “Oshtoran-koh” protected area, Lorestan Province and comparison of their effective compounds

Document Type : Original Article


1 Horticultural Group,Agriculture faculty, payam noor ,Tehran,Iran

2 Professor, Research Institute of Forests and Range lands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization(AREEO),Tehran,Iran

3 َAgreocology Group,,Agriculture,,payam noor,Tehran,Iran

4 Agreocology,agriculture,Zabol,Zabol,Iran


thyme plants were collected and identified using available references since 30 April 2016 to 11 September 2016. After that, the voucher samples were prepared and their ethno-botanical information was collected. Their flavonoids profiles were determined using 2-dimesional and thin layer chromatography methods. Essential oil compounds were isolated using hydro-distillation method and analyzed by GC-MS to identify their constituents. In these areas, two species of Thymus daenensis and Thymus serpyllum var. squarrosus (with two populations of CEF10a and CEF10b) was observed and recorded. The results of phytochemical studies showed that these species have flavonoid sulfates and flavonoid C & C / O glycosides and no aglycones. 9 types of flavonoid compounds of Thymus daenensis and 7 types of flavonoid compounds of T.serpyllum var. squarrosus, were identified. 27 types of compounds were observed in the essential oil of T. daenensis species. They were including 17 monoterpene compounds, 4 aldehyde compounds, 2 alcohol compounds, 2 alkane compounds, 1 ketone compound and 1 sesquiterpene compound. 29 monoterpenes, sesquiterpene, alken and ketone compounds were observed in the essential oil of T. serpyllum var. squarrosus population (CEF10a) and 19 monoterpenes, sesquiterpene, alcohol and aldehyde compounds were observed in population (CEF10b).
